17 Martie 2022

Republic of Moldova

Power System Development Project (PSDP)

Project Number / Credits nos.: P160829 / 6380-MD and 6381-MD

Contract No. 6380-A9: Audit of Power System Development Project accounts for the period FY 2020 - 2021

  1. The names of consultants who submitted proposals:
  • ICS Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners SRL (Moldova)
  • Moore Stephens KSC SRL (Moldova)
  1. The technical points assigned to each consultant:
  • ICS Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners SRL            94.90
  • Moore Stephens KSC SRL                                   91.42
  1.  The evaluated prices of each consultant (excluding taxes):
  • ICS Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners SRL     -       EUR 13,850.00
  • Moore Stephens KSC SRL                           -       EUR 12,000.00
  1.  The final point ranking of the consultants:

The method of selection for the assignment is Least Cost Selection (LCS). The consultant who submitted the lowest evaluated price proposal is considered the Most Advantageous Proposal to be selected.

  1. The name of the winning company, the price, duration and the summary related to the scope of the contract:

The wining company: Moore Stephens KSC SRL (Moldova).

Contract price: 12,000.00 EUR.

Contract duration: February - December 2022.The Assignment consists of the audit of Project accounts, IDA Credits nos. 6380-MD and 6381-MD under the Power System Development Project. The objective of the audit is to enable the auditor to express a professional opinion on the Project’s financial statements as at the end of December 31, 2021 and of the income and expenditures for the accounting period ending on that date.